Dial-in Number:(515) 604-9000Access Code: 691399 Join Julie Ferman for her monthly dating coaching tele-seminar — it’s free :)If you’re going to be dating and having relationships with these creatures (MEN), then it’s a good idea to get really great at learning how to speak to them in a way that is empowering, vs. disempowering, wouldn’t you say?Our Modern Day Dating Culture – a Double Edge Sword. Unique Challenges, Remarkable Opportunities. Each month we have a different Focus Topic. The overarching themes for this year’s A-HA Moments series: What if much of the way men show up around us is a function of how we are being, as women? How might we be as women that could bring out the best in men, while also serving to bring us more internal peace and happiness?Do we have more power than we thought, to influence who men show up to be around us? (Oh yeah….!) Conference Call Dial-in Number:(515) 604-9000Access Code:691399
A-HA Moments with Julie Ferman, Legendary Matchmaker & Dating Coach
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Santa Fe Valentine Party
Santa Fe Valentine Party, all ages welcome (40's/50's/60's typically) Space is limited. RSVP to secure your spot on the RSVP list. Julie@JulieFerman.com or text/voicemail 805-371-9557 Our photographer, Hans...
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30-Days with Cupid’s Coach, Julie Ferman Get-Your-Act-Together-For-Dating Boot Camp
November 15 - December 15, 2024 or January 15 - February 15, 2025 30-Days with Cupid’s Coach, Julie Ferman Get-Your-Act-Together-For-Dating Boot Camp Virtual Boot Camp Details Purchase Virtual Boot Camp...
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