“Celebrating Love” — A Valentine Gala Produced by Julie Ferman, Cupid’s Coach Hundreds of unattached heartthrobs gather in Santa Monica to honor…that thing called LOVE* a fabulous dinner with hot topics discussions lead by dating expert table hosts* Edutainment – short, punchy presentations by love experts and authors * dancing to The Beatless* photo opp (professional dating mug shots taken all night long)* a press conference, expo, book signings, relationship gurus galore Featuring a Premium Match warm-up with LeeAnn Webster, Queen of Fun (The Premium Match portion of the evening is sold out for women, but don’t let that stop you, ladies – the evening will be a blast!)Keynote address by Juliet Funt, DateBetter.com Appearances and love secrets revealed by:Cherry Norris, The Dating Director Susan Rabin, 101 Ways to Flirt Jacqueline Brandwynne, columnist Dr. Debra Mandel – Healing the Sensitive Heart Sponsored by:Jeffrey Ullman, Greater Relations Dr. MP Wylie, JourneyToLove.com Julie Hayes, SocialNetworkCo.com Jody Seidler -MakingLemonade.com Christine Kloser – NEW Entrepreneurs Roger Nelson – ActiveSingles.net Meet: Liz Kelly – Smart Man HuntingKathryn Woodward Thomas – Calling in The OneBev Bacon – Meet Me…Don’t Delete Me!Colby Smith – Webedge.netCarmel Boss – Co-Abode.comMarilyn Anderson – NeverKissAFrogEvan Katz – E-Cyrano.com Edwin Duterte – OneKeyAway.comTovah Feder – Smart DatingDeborah Koppel Mitchell – Spheres Women Circles This is the FEEL GOOD event of the Valentine’s Season. 6:30 Photography and bar open7:00 Premium Match Party (limited to the first 30 men and the first 30 women who purchase gala tickets. All ages OK)8:15 Sit-down dinner, hot topics, presentation, and keynote address9:30 Live music and dancing $69.00 per person for the evening, with dinner (if reserved prior to Feb. 6, $79 after Feb. 6)$19.00 ($25 at the door) for the late crowd, after dinner, for dancing and schmoozing, not dinner. If you’d like to reserve your spot for ONLY the late night portion, click here: http://cupidscoach.com/Event.asp?id=77 Premium Match Party, 7-8 pm, hosted by the Queen of Fun, LeeAnn Webster. 5 minute rotational ‘dates’ – when you’re both interested (for dating, business or friendship) we’ll exchange contact information so you can stay in touch. This portion is open to all age groups and space is limited to the first 30 men and the first 30 women who purchase tickets for the gala. No host bar. Parking $5.00It’s the FEEL GOOD event of the Valentine season!If you’d like to volunteer to work at the event or prior to it, email Julie@CupidsCoach.com
Celebrating Love – A Valentine’s Gala Affair
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