Wear your hottest Disco Attire and Come Play &”Get Connected” with 150-300 Professional Singles Ages 30’s-50’sfor Dating, Friendship and Funwith your host Renee Piane, the Master Connector!We will be “SPREADING THE LOVE” by donating a Portion of the proceeds to the RED CROSS to be donated to JAPAN victims. Joining us will be Matchmaker Julie Ferman from eLOVE/Cupids Coach, and her photographer, Nicole, offering “dating photos” for any and all who would like to have a great current photo. Make New Connections and bring your Single friends!Event Includes:* Complimentary Healthy Light Appetizers 7:00-8:30pm*The chef offers other amazing happy hour cuisine (til 8:30) at additional fees *Wine & ‘Love Potion’ Cocktail Drink Specials* Fun Rapid Mixer to meet tons of great people 8:30pmThen DANCE the night away! *Win Great FREE Raffle Prizes.*We will be selling Raffle tickets for a TRIP TO MEXICOand all proceeds from tickets sold go to the RED Cross. * Tarot Readings * Massage *Great Sponsors and give aways! * ADVANCED TICKETS ON SALE NOWSINGLE TICKETS $25http://www.reneepiane.com/rapid_dating/rapid_dating_events.htmlSAVE $5.00-Buy TWO TICKETS for $40.00(please include your guests name, email and phone)After Midnight, Sat,June 4thTICKETS $35 CASH or CHECK at the Door orSAVE $5.00 and bring a Friend Sponsored by: Making MagicTravel *Cupids Coach*Lori Hart * RapidDating SunStudio *HCG PlatininumWant to be a Sponsor? $150.00 per table! Call Us!Bring friends to Spread the LOVE **Bring gifts to give away for our raffle and get your business announced!Purchase tickets
Cocktail Mixer & Boogie Night Disco
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