Conversational Quickies is Matchmaker, Julie Ferman’s signature singles event concept. We meet for 90 minutes over out-of-the-ordinary conversation at various places around Los Angeles.This time, at a lovely, shaded park in Beverly Hills. Will Rogers Memorial Park. We’ll gather over lively discussion, in one circle or more, typically 8-10 per circle. Expect lots of fun questions/topics, with 15-second responses from each person in the circle. Never dull, always inspiring, always a delightful experience. After a few topics, we’ll start some fun rotations, to mix things up and keep things interesting. And you get to meet / connect with LA’s most well-respected personal matchmaker, Julie Ferman.Location: Will Rogers Memorial Park. Street Parking is available.Dress comfortably, and if you like, bring a blanket / prop / bolster or a lawn chair to sit on. RSVP: Julie@JulieFerman.com or text / Voicemail: 805-371-9557