Conversational Quickies is my signature singles event concept. This event is co-sponsored by Lisa Amador / Amador Matchmaking in Santa Barbara. Update. We moved the event indoors. We’ll be here:Ventura Coast Brew Company.76 South Oak Street. VenturaJulie’s hosting. Grab a drink and meet some new friends.Conversational Quickies is Matchmaker, Julie Ferman’s signature singles event concept. We meet up for 90 minutes over out-of-the-ordinary conversation at various places around Ventura County.We’ll gather over lively discussion, in groups with rotations, so each of the men gets to meet each of the ladies and visa versa.Lots of fun questions/topics, with 15-second responses from each person in the circle. Never dull, always inspiring, always a delightful experience.AND you get to meet / connect with me – LA’s most well respected personal matchmaker. Dress comfortably and if you like bring a blanket or a lawn chair to sit on.RSVP: or on the Meet-Up app. MEET UP LINK
Conversational Quickies, Ventura, 25 – 45 ages
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