Conversations with Leon, Julie’s the speaker

Conversations with Leon, Julie’s the speaker

Julie Ferman, Cupid’s Coach returns as the speaker at “Conversations with Leon” Leon Williams is one of Julie’s favorite colleagues — every Thursday night, Leon opens his home to singles (40’s/50’s mostly) for an engaging discussion related to dating, love, romance. Dinner is included. It’s fun. Join us, and it’s fine to bring a friends. The Topic:”Do we really want a romantic relationship?” We’ll address questions like:Why does he say he’ll call but…then he doesn’t?Is she too “busy” for a relationship?What’s your goal? Friendship, romance, casual dating, monogamous relationship, living together, marriage? And what is this OTHER person’s goal? How can we make the answers to these questions easier to determine, without sounding like we’re “interviewing” the person on the phone or on the date?Why is it so hard to find a truly compatible partner?Or is it easy, and we’re just making it seem hard…?Leon’s home: 13442 Weddington St. 2 blks North of Magnolia, btwn Sunnyslope & Fulton Sherman Oaks 91401 (818) 986-9899 Leon’s number

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Saturday, February 8th, 6 pm

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Nov 3, 2024 5pm PST

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