Boot Camp
Handle your love life with legendary matchmaker, Julie Ferman. Set yourself up for an enjoyable, fruitful journey through the dating process, preparing for the loving partnership that's in your future.
30-Day Virtual Bootcamp
This is the course that I wish had been available to me when I was single, stumbling my way through the dating process. This is the course that I wish all sincere, relationship-oriented men and women would take BEFORE hiring a matchmaker or dating agency, BEFORE throwing themselves out there online, BEFORE trying their luck at singles events.
The invitation? To fully utilize the space between relationships as a remarkable opportunity to grow, to learn, and to expand into the full expression of who you are today. We’ll clarify your goals and your key criteria, we’ll handle your photos and your dating profile, and we’ll build out your strategic plan for dating at this time in your life. We focus on communication, what to reveal, when, and how. You’ll become masterful at the art of social engagement – magnetizing the right people, flirting, engaging and initiating. And you’ll be entering a rapidly growing community of growth-oriented Boot Camp Graduates, gaining access to virtual and live events and experiential retreats.
- Why are the dating apps so awful?
- Why did he disappear?
- What do I say to the cute guy at the coffee shop?
- How come she didn’t text me back
- Where are the Quality People?
- Is my Picker on target?
- Where are my blind spots?
- Why can’t people just be honest?
- How can I have more control over my love life?

What we will do
Master Flirting: engaging, initiating and receiving invitations
Develop your posse of single pals
Representing YOU: We HANDLE profile essays & photos
Create a local event: Julie will help!
Mitzvah Match Possibilities: Be in Julie’s Personal Matchmaking Hot Seat for 30-days, we’ll see if we can create some Mitzvah Matches together.
How we will do it
Format: weekly 90-minute video course modules for independent study
Group Office Hours: twice weekly on Zoom
Personal Coaching: Two 1-on-1 sessions with Julie
Co-Ed: men and women together, all ages, studying dating, love, romance, relationships, communication, and partnership
Bootcamp Testimonials
Get-Your-Act-Together-For-Dating Boot Camp with Jlie Ferman, Cupid's Coach
Handle your love life with legendary matchmaker, Julie Ferman. Set yourself up for an enjoyable, fruitful journey through the dating process, preparing for the loving partnership that’s in your future.