What's the BUZZ? What's being said about Julie Ferman? By Clients, the Media, and by Events Planners, and by Industry Colleagues?

Patricia, Pasadena, CA, 55
I think you're the best matchmaking service who's so professional, friendly, and offers so much more than anyone I had ever worked with. Special events, boot camp, podcasts, a great reputation, and working with other matchmakers, etc. I'm glad that I have connected with you. And, I will not work with anyone else. I wish I had found you sooner.

Westlake Village, CA
I am dating a fabulous man. Loving, kind, gentle and very masculine. A real outdoorsman. We met at my wellness center, I just wanted to tell you that your coaching helped me. it gave me direction and insight into what I was looking for in a real man and how I needed to be to attract him. You are a lovely and inspiring woman. Thank you for bringing more love into the world. ?Annie

Wendy, Thousand Oaks
I so appreciate your advice and guidance. To have you on my team is worth every penny of my investment with you! There is no way I could navigate the dating experience without your guidance and support! You are the expert, I have confidence in your choices for me, and the men I've been meeting have all been exceptional and I'm positively overjoyed to have this new man in my life. We're taking things slowly and it feels just right. Thank You!

Todd, Health Care Consultant, Sherman Oaks, CA, 46
This company and it's owner Julie Ferman are wonderful. I'm so grateful for all the time and attention Julie and staff spent taking professional pictures, helping me write my profile, and finding compatible matches. I hadn't dated much before and I felt much more confident and hopeful after engaging Julie's services. Julie helped me to understand who I was, what I had to offer, and who I was looking for. She had a truly profound impact on my life and its direction. I dearly love Julie for setting me on the right path to a happiness I was afraid I might never find.

Tina, Finance Exec, 39, Los Angeles
"I have learned SO much since having met Julie Ferman. I had no idea the power we women have (both positive and negative) on men, through a simple action or word. I also learned that we all want the same thing: unconditional love. I'm enjoying learning to let more of my feminine side shine through. I always thought my date would be impressed if I showed him smart I was; I thought he would be impressed if I had a different point of view (and went to great lengths to show him); I thought he would admire my independence. While I will not play dumb, be acquiescent or helpless; I will be much more sensitive to how a man reads some of our actions. I want all of my "career focused" Type-A women friends to discover this information - Invaluable. I only wish I'd met Julie 10 years ago. !!

Teri, Los Angeles
I would like to say: I have known Julie Ferman for many years, and I can’t say enough wonderful things about her. Julie has such passion, love & enthusiasm for her profession; she was a joy to work with. I loved her wisdom, sense of humor and advice. Julie sincerely cares about each of her clients and provides “concierge” service, which was unexpected and greatly appreciated. I am happy to say that I have met a man far greater than I ever could have hoped, and my work with Julie has ended. I recommend Julie highly, and I am grateful for her help in helping me along the way. Teri

Robin, Attorney, LA, 33
I would never have met my husband, had I not had the chance to work with Julie Ferman. She introduced me to some really good, solid men, which gave me practice and helped develop my confidence. Her coaching helped me to get a sense of reality, and strengthened my dating and relationship muscles. She helped me remember to focus on my short list of what was essential: kindness and intelligence. I learned while dating with Julie how powerful it is to be kind and authentic with each man I corresponded or spoke with...life can be so hard, why not be kind? And it wasn’t love at first sight with my husband...it takes us women a while to warm up to a man, as Julie knows, and as I learned. It was more like “nice, shy man, lovely and polite, obviously very kind and brilliant...worth another date" And he was interested, pursued me...so yes, I did get to know him! And now we are coming up on our 2 year wedding anniversary... :)

Rachel, 38, Studio City, CA
Julie Ferman is the real deal. I did my research, looking for a Los Angeles matchmaker who has a solid reputation and a big, well established community. I attended an event and got a great photo, then met with Julie in person (Definitely worth the investment) and she's introduced me to two of her guy clients already, and both are really good guys.

Paulette, Director, Non-Profit
"Julie, I want to thank you for all of the dates you set me up on and all of your coaching. It is because of you that I was able to find, attract, realize that he was the one, and continue to do all the things you taught me to keep him happy. I love you so much and will be forever grateful."

Neil Wood
Julie, it's so clear to us just how much you love what you do in finding the right matches for your clients. You are a gift to single men and women who are sincerely seeking a loving relationship.

Monika, LA, just married
"Julie, I'm writing from our honeymoon in France to say THANK YOU for the loving guidance and support throughout our dating coaching journey together. What an awesome wedding day we had - an incredible amount of love from our families and close friends! Thank you for blessing us with the gift of your talent in coaching and guiding your clients. I am so clear that Mark and I would never have cemented our relationship had it not been for your coaching during our inital dating. What a fabulous man he is! Love, Monika"

Lori, Real Estate,52
"I hired Julie Ferman as a dating coach and personal matchmaker. Julie has the most upbeat and 'can do' spirit of anyone I have ever met. She spent time consulting with me, helping me align on my critical criteria for mate selection and the whole process was really fun and fruitful. Sometimes we just can't see our own blind spots.

Jon, Los Angeles
Betsy and I are so very happy together. Working with Julie Ferman was a delightful experience. I learned so much, the introductions were spot on and each a wonderful person. And it was the smartest investment I have ever made. Simply put, Julie takes the pressure off and it was fun and definitely fruitful.

Jim, Physician, Los Angeles, 65
Leslie and I have been blissfully happy together since 2002, when we met through Julie Ferman dating workshop. This is a marriage truly made in Heaven, and we encourage single love seekers of all ages to register with JulieFerman.com to be included in the coaching process. Our relationship is an ongoing miracle for sure, thanks to Julie Ferman.

Jess. Consultant. Santa Fe
Julie, your 60-day Boot Camp is fantastic. You are SUCH an excellent educator. The combination of the live Zoom classes, your written words, the video course modules and guest expert contributions - it's truly transformational. The questions you ask in the assignments are quite profound and eye-opening. Best wishes and Thanks! Jess

Jason, 41 Reporter
"It is a pleasure to deal with someone with your attitude. You stand head and shoulders above the others in the dating coaching field."

Julie's energy and caring are sweet, wise, sensitive, perceptive, honest, productive and amazing. Plus she gives us single people so much Hope for which there is no price too high.

Jan, 63
"I cannot begin to tell you how grateful I am that you are in my life! You are a true blessing which has brought me a path along with guidance to immeasurably improve the quality of my life. You are like my dating fairy godmother. Peter and I would never have crossed paths, had we not been in your community. I am still having a hard time believing that I went from having not dated in years to ... very happily attached to this remarkable man who positively adores me."

James, 58, LA / Texas
7 years ago I was a single guy living in L.A. Now I am married, living in Texas and have 6 grandchildren- all because of Julie Ferman and her masterful matchmaking :) Really enjoying my life with Linda, family and friends. My love for Linda is more than I could have expected, and I get to have it every day of my life. She is a treasure. Thank you.

Greg, Irvine, 38
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the work you do, Julie. Vicki and I are in Hawaii on our honeymoon, and we would certainly not be here if not for your sound and loving dating advice. I'm so thankful to have placed my trust in you and your coaching process. We are so happy...

Grace, West Los Angeles, 53
Thank you for introducing me to such quality human beings. It makes me proud of mankind to know that people like Bill and Rob and Jason and Steven are out there. You have so enriched my life. Thank you from the deepest part of my heart. I'm having a wonderful experience of dating, and it's 180 degrees from my experience of online dating. Thank you for "saving" me from that. :)

Glenn. Los Angeles
Julie Ferman got the job done.... Needless to say, I'm a satisfied client :)

Evan Marc Katz, Author, Dating Coach
"It's hard to capture sunshine in words, but that's about the best approximation of Julie Ferman. She's joy and light and love, all wrapped up in one. I've had the pleasure of knowing Julie for five years and she has been a friend, mentor, and business colleague throughout. I've worked at her events, sent my clients to her as a coach, and shared business ideas, and I can say with certainty, that she's got a level of integrity that is impossible to surpass. Not only is she excellent at her job, but she's an industry leader and an innovator on the technology side. Nobody else has put together a more successful dating community and nobody understands the needs of singles better. Equal parts coach and entrepreneur, Julie is a valuable asset to individuals and corporations alike."

Eric, Colorado
I hired Julie several times. First as my matchmaker when I lived in LA, and instantly my dating life was transformed. Later, after having moved to a small town in Colorado, I hired her for occasional coaching sessions by phone, and she helped me develop a system for finding and connecting with people online and in person. I grew a ton, and I stretched. And by just following her solid advice, I made smart decisions and ended up so happily married, to Nina, love of my life. No way it could have happened had I not worked with Julie. She's world class at what she does.

Debbie, 36
"Never in a million years would I have thought hiring a dating coach would change my life so much. Little did I know I would end up with a wardrobe full of cute...wearing makeup isn't that difficult...and I was given confidence to go out and meet...All this never would have happened without my having met and hired Julie Ferman. So thank you from the bottom of my heart as my Saturdays are no longer idle and my life is enriched..."

Christy, Calabasas, CA ,50
Julie, your 60-day Virtual Boot Camp is really, really good. The perfect re-entry into dating for me. I feel more confident than ever - in myself, what I have to offer, and what I’m looking for.

Carol Allen, relationship coach
"Julie Ferman is THE REAL DEAL. She has some of the best advice for singles anywhere on how to flirt, how to meet each other, how to impress on early dates, and basically how to achieve partnership! Best of all she makes the topic of dating and mating fun and positive, even for those who've felt heavy and depressed about it for years. She's a total joy to work with, and has a 'sixth sense' about who will like each other - knowing better what's good for them than they know for themselves. I've encouraged many clients to seek her coaching services and think anyone who is single and doesn't want to be should!"

Bryn, Producer, 54
"I am having an incredible time. Thank you so much. Seriously, these last few months as your coaching and matchmaking client have been life changing. My dating life has become fun, interesting, entertaining, and enriching. I can't thank you enough. Love, Bryn"

Brendon, Pasadena, CA 46
I met Julie Ferman at a wedding - she had introduced the couple to each other and I was the Best Man and the groom bought me a consultation with Julie as a gift, and meeting with her was a thoroughly uplifting experience. I've attended two of the Schmooze social events and I've met two of her matchmaking clients - Julie runs a really solid company and she's a total sweetheart.

Brad and Claire
It worked! I became Julie Ferman's matchmaking client. She introduced me to Brad and we clicked. It took years for us to merge our lives together, but merge we did, and we are building the most wonderful life together. It was my therapist who initially suggested that I contact Julie, so I have them both to thank for bringing Brad into my life.

Bill, 44, Scientist/Inventor
"Julie, I am a more than satisfied matchmaking Client. I reflect often upon that casual decision I made three months ago to pick up your business card, call you, and set up a meeting with you. I suspected that your approach was highly effective, than your intentions in creating this community were sincere. Exactly what I have found to be true. What an adventure it's been! Thank you for developing a dating solution that is actually comfortable, dignified, and fun. I'm finally meeting the right kinds of people -- and I appreciate that they're fully screened and vetted - no surprises... I really appreciate that."

Betsy, Los Angeles, 53, Counselor
"Julie, as my personal matchmaker and dating coach, you surely did get the job done... Wow...it was such a new experience for me to have this level of coaching, support and TLC .....so just wanted to tell you that I'm so grateful to have had this opportunity to date more intelligently...You are so very good at what you do and we need you. Update - Julie, Jon and I are happily married now, and we want to say THANK YOU for making this exceptional match. As a dating coach and a personal matchmaker, you are the BOMB !!

Betsy, 41, Manager
The coaching, guidance and workshop adventures I have experienced as your matchmaking client have been fantastic. Working with you, learning with you -- has been such a transformative experience. I really did not know what to expect, and I'm delighted to have received so much valuable information and insight. I really feel my relationships with my dad, brother, my boss, and all men in my life is going to change dramatically. I thought I knew a lot about how men tick but now I have new tools to ask for what I need and how they think and feel. Thanks again,

Allie, Houston
There's simply more love in the world, thanks to Julie Ferman's dedicated matchmaking community. I hired her to be my personal matchmaker when I lived in LA and loved the process. When I relocated to Houston, Julie went the extra mile to see who she might have for me to meet there and ... voila ... she found David for me and we're over the moon happy together. You can trust your love life with Julie. She's an angel.

Adam G.
This is what I woke up to this morning...a post date feedback report from a stellar gentleman whom I'd just introduced to my new female Client. It gave me shivers. "Julie, thank you for this introduction. She is a gem almost beyond belief. She is warm and wise and feminine and beautiful and funny and wacky. Connecting felt like the easiest thing in the world. It felt so natural. I feel like I've known her a long time. We really "got" each other. So yes, a very good start. When the waiter asked if we were staying there at the hotel, we both said "I wish" pretty much at the same time! Seriously the sweetest first date I've had in a long time. There is chemisty, shared values, shared VISION of a lifestyle - living in different countries, she doing art, me writing. So we're going out Saturday to explore some more. Needless to say...GREAT job, Julie Ferman. It's no wonder they keeping giving you the Best Matchmaker award every year at iDate"
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