Dating – Matchmaker Reveals Success Strategy – Works Every Time


Suzanne is one of my all time favorite personal matchmaking clients, currently topping the success charts here at – At the some-would-say-challenging age of 58, Suzanne is receiving consistently favorable post-date evaluations and she received three invitations for Valentine’s Day last month — count them, three!  That’s what I call an admirable situation.

I called Suzanne this morning to pry out her secret for having such a positive dating experience, and she said she’d reveal her strategy, but only if I promised to share it with you, so here’s the share…

Suzanne’s Success Strategy, which she says works 100% of the time. — She claims it’s her mission to Make His Day.  When she’s leaving a voice mail message, replying to an email, or in person on the date, she looks for ways to brighten his world and enrich his life.  She said, “In other words, ask not what he can do for me or be for me, but rather…what can I be for him?  What can I do for him that will Make His Day?”

“Dating” says Suzanne, “is a great opportunity to practice flexibility” as she knows it’s a skill that will serve her well once in relationship.   The man she said Yes to for Valentine’s Day was Peter – he raved to me in one of his post date evaluations about how she’s always happy to drive to his neighborhood or to meet him half-way, rather than always expecting him to schlepp to her.   He commented also about how refreshing it is to be with a woman who’s game for anything — the upscale restaurant they had in mind for their first date was packed, and they ended up at the deli over soup and an ice cream sundae.  He was worried that she’d be disappointed, but she was happy, which made him happy.  In fact, her ability to roll with the punches literally made his day.

Peter and Suzanne are seeing each other exclusively now, and I just picked up the most lovely Thank You card from him in the mail.  Suzanne is doing lots right, and I’m glad to have this chance to share her success strategies with all of you.


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