Growers Invited

Growers Invited

Experiential Dating Adventures. Grower Gatherings Gain Momentum.


I wonder how many singles events I’ve attended. Thousands surely. First, for my own love life, when I was a single girl, seriously seeking life-long love – a relationship that could stand the test of time. At the time, I was living in Kansas City, MO, working in the hotel industry. As a sales executive for The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, it was an exciting time, but we’re talking long, long hours. How to find a guy with little free time? We didn’t have Meet-Up events. There was no going online… to scour for a calendar of dating events or singles gatherings. My mid to late twenties was a sad, lonely time for me.

When dating became a tearjerker, I hired a dating coach (before we even had dating coaches.) My coach loved me enough to point out the common denominator in my decade-long not-so-hot relationship adventures with the wrong single men. In studying the tear-stained journal entries I’d written, lamenting over bad boys, cheaters, players, commitment avoiders, and charismatic narcissist types I found the courage to utter the words, “Yes, my dear relationship coach, I admittedly was present for each of these dating disasters.” Truth be told, deep inside, I knew my picker was off; my blind spots were exposed. My compassionate dating coach gave me the kick in the pants that I clearly needed and was by God’s grace, open to receiving.


How did I get out of my dating rut?

My relationship coach guided me through careful course correction. First, I acknowledged my weaknesses and identified my missteps. And then, through diligent practice, I began dating differently, on purpose. That intentional process took me from despair, loneliness, and fruitless dating disasters to this moment in time as a world-class personal matchmaker who guides today’s single love seekers through the complex maze that dating is. I was you. I am you. I’m here to help, and it makes me happy that your eyes are on these words right now. If you care about love, then I care about you.


My Romance Marketing Plan.

My dating coach and I co-created the winning formula – and now, as a natural payback, I get to help my coaching clients and matchmaking clients transform their love lives through a remarkably similar process.


Dating Events.

I found them and I created them. I attended and produced dozens of singles events. I bootstrapped my way through three years of flirting adventures; I said yes to first dates, second dates, and third dates with a broad range of candidates and suitors, some princes, and some colorful frogs, too. I discovered my inner goddess; I began understanding what femininity is, and how to turn it on at will. I practiced receiving attention from men, approaching men, and engaging men in playful conversation. I began courageously giving out my digits; for the first time, I asked an intriguing single man for his digits, intentionally becoming adept at the art of social engagement. While uncomfortable, I learned how to ask a man out on a date and how to get that quality man I’d spotted on a hiking adventure to ask me out. In two years, I created for myself 50 first dates.


Accelerating the pace of dating.

My coach’s assignment was to stop bitching and to start manifesting, to “get my numbers up” by causing connections and first-date opportunities for myself. My dating coach gave me a goal – to have two first dates each month with qualified candidates – single men who were actually available for love, high-quality men who shared my desire for a meaningful relationship, partnership, marriage, and family life. And the tricky part – before initiating a date with a man or before saying Yes to his invitation for a first date, the two of us had to pass the test – our key dating criteria HAD to be in alignment. That forced me to get much better at… communicating with men, by design, on purpose.

An interesting observation.I noticed something in hosting these dating events and attending dozens of singles gatherings. I was having a lot of FUN, and I was no longer lonely. I’d literally transformed my dating experience by morphing into a person who causes things to happen rather than wondering why and complaining about the dating opportunities that weren’t happening.

This experiential, growth-oriented dating process completely and totally worked. I found my partner, we quickly got married, we raised two boys together, and since 1990, I’ve been coaching and guiding single women and single men through the rapid waters that dating can be. Who do I see succeeding? What type of people are coupling up beautifully? Growers.

From my matchmaker’s perch, I’ve watched 2600 love-aspirers morph into 1300 happy couples. This remarkable string of love connections has happened one introduction at a time and through hundreds of sometimes awkward dating events. These success story couples came about not by accident, luck, or coincidence. These single men and women CAUSED their transformation, intentionally.


Where have these heart-and-soul connections been made?

I’ve introduced hundreds of couples in southern California, orchestrating personal matchmaking introductions on a large scale in the monster big city of Los Angeles. My Conversational Quickies Dinner Parties have been held in Newport Beach, throughout Orange County and San Diego. I’ve hosted flirting parties in my hometown, St. Louis; I’ve gathered Christian singles, and I’ve brought Catholic singles together. I’ve produced dozens of Jewish dating events, and hundreds of seminars and workshops for spiritual singles at yoga studios and Beverly Hills parks. We’ve meditated and chanted together, we’ve done country line dancing, and at last month’s four-day retreat in Santa Fe, we danced in the rain together. I coaxed onto the dancefloor three men who hadn’t danced in decades. This kind of transformation is what I live for.


Who’s coupling up successfully?

The people I see matching up with ease are those who love to expand in consciousness and in their capacity for love and openhearted communication. These folks are easy to match. They recognize each other quickly, magnetize easefully, they say Yes to life and love. They’re growers who love being with other growers. What are the common threads I see among these once-single men and once-single women who are now partnered up successfully? They share courageous curiosity, a thirst for love (as a verb vs a noun), and an adventurous spirit. These folks said Yes to my invitation to learn, grow, and evolve through the dating process, becoming better versions of themselves WHILE dating. These are MY people. They’re growers.



My question – Are you a grower?

If you’re still reading, I think you qualify. That makes me happy, and I’m delighted to be connected. I’ve always been a wonderer and a wanderer, a seeker of understanding, awareness, and consciousness, a student of and a contributor to human evolution. Perhaps you are too.

Another Question. Regarding our capacity for love and our ability to connect and communicate with each other, are we evolving, or are we devolving? This professional matchmaker, your friendly neighborhood dating coach, is delightfully optimistic as a catalyst, a change agent in the dating arena, I get to observe human connection and social evolution firsthand. The results are astounding, and I’m excited about the future.

If you are indeed a grower, I want to know you, and I want to include you in the magic that’s happening right here in my transformational dating community. Those who show up at my live dating events and my online webinars, who are engaged in this ongoing conversation about love, relationships, and communication – these folks, I can’t help it; I refer them as personal matchmaking candidates every chance I see – and with gusto. They deserve it. These grower types tend to say Yes when I have a referral; they don’t “flake,” and they don’t “ghost” – they want to know each other, engage, follow up, and make a new friend, if not a new lover. We’re building a community of growers. It’s thoroughly inspiring for me and for each of them.



How can YOU be invited to Singles Events.

Flirting Parties, Dating Boot Camps, and my Transformational Dating Retreats? I can’t invite you if I can’t find you, so your first step is to register privately with me. If you’re curious, adventurous, and sincere in your desire to connect, share, and create love, I want to know you, and I don’t care where you live.

Founded in 2002 in Los Angeles, my matchmaking clients have been single men and women of all ages throughout Southern California. My offices have been in West Hollywood, Santa Monica, Newport Beach, Solana Beach, and Westlake Village. Santa Barbara has been a lovely place to host dating events; I’ve produced my signature Conversational Quickies events in Ventura, Camarillo, Ojai, Sherman Oaks, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, and SO many in Santa Monica, Venice, in the South Bay and all over Orange County.


New Mexico Dating?

If you’re single and looking to date in Santa Fe, I’ve got you covered. Gil and I bought a home in Santa Fe in 2016, where I especially love spending the summer months. I love producing singles events and flirting parties in Albuquerque and Rio Rancho. Would you like to date a Los Alamos scientist or an outdoors adventure enthusiast in Taos?

Once you and I have met on Zoom for our one-on-one Dating Consultation, I’ll extend invitations to YOU, and I’ll find you when I’m looking to provide introductions for my personal matchmaking clients and my dating coaching and boot camp clients throughout New Mexico, now reaching also into Colorado, Arizona, Utah, and Texas. Boot Camp and Retreat Clients come from Oklahoma, Connecticut, Maine, Boston, Rhode Island, and Florida. I’ve personally ushered 39,000 single men and women into my sweet dating community, which has become an oasis in the dry desert that dating can be and often is. No longer. Growers, learners, adventurers, and explorers are welcome here.

My invitation for you? Draw a line in the sand and choose growth, now – This month, this week, today. Make the conscious choice to explore and intentionally expand in awareness and consciousness. Decide to blossom through your own smart, strategic, developmental dating process. A carefully designed stairstep process, intentionally causing your personal evolution. We’ll do it together.

Here’s how:

  1. Privately register with me here:
  1. We’ll invite you to schedule a short discovery phone call together.
  1. Next, we’ll invite you to schedule a $295 Zoom Consultation, which gives me the chance to conduct a personal search for YOU. While on that Zoom call together, I’ll take you behind my      matchmaker’s curtain to preview potential candidates. Yep, that’s where we “check your picker” — I get to see where you are on two spectrums: your level of desirability and … your level of    selectivity. Then, as your dating coach, I can advise you properly. Should you hire a matchmaker? Would you be better served by jumping in on my 30-Day Get-Your-Act-Together-For-Dating Virtual Boot Camp? Boot Camp is where we create YOUR Romance Marketing Plan; we handle your dating photos, and you master the art of social engagement, flirting, and initiating first dates. Social media and online dating? If you’re doing it, you’ll be doing it well. Julie Ferman’s Boot Camp and link to the article?
  1. Boot Camp graduates get invited to my annual Santa Fe Dating Retreat. Planned Playtime with Conscious Single Men and Openhearted Single Women.
  1. Personal Matchmaking? Maybe, but let’s do everything else first. We’ll do it together.

Growers Invited

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