Have We Truly Evolved When It Comes To Dating?

Why do smart people make such LOUSY choices when it comes to dating, mating and love?

It’s because we’re allowing instinct to drive our behaviour and our decisions.


We need to take the reins, right now.

Have you ever found yourself in a relationship with someone who drove you crazy with desire? Someone who you simply HAD to have, on a sexual, physical level? Have you ever just HAD to date someone who looked SO good on paper (the right job, the right look, the “ideal”A couple engaging in a meaningful conversation partner) that you just felt compelled to nail this person down? But the relationship brought you no joy… it didn’t feel good… the two of you never really connected on an inter-personal level and you didn’t feel loved, cherished, celebrated or appreciated. Ring any bells?

As women, we are naturally, instinctively pulled toward a man who looks to be a good provider / protector, someone who’s a leader, who’s tall, strong, a masculine guy who’s accomplished, who has degrees or high status in the community. If he’s got strapping good looks on top of that pedigree, well then instinct will tell us that this is the IT GUY and we should flaunt and contort ourselves in any way possible in order to nail him down. If a woman is to make a wise choice about whether or not to invite a man into her life, she had better not be at the mercy of instinct alone. read here about things men are driven by …..

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