“He’s a really nice guy, thanks for the introduction, but I’m not really attracted to him. Who else do you have in store for me?”
Welcome to my Monday Morning.
As a professional matchmaker and dating coach, I would love to have a twenty dollar bill for each time my female client has given me this post-date feedback.
I am particularly interested in this subject, as I’ve seen so many situations where I really do see a good possibility for two people – they meet each other’s Top Five Critical Criteria, and yet one or the other dismisses this other person (this person who’s hot to trot for another date) because the illusive “chemistry” thing didn’t appear to be present right away on Date Number One.
The Attraction Conundrum is this – that a woman’s ability to develop romantic / sexual attraction over time is FAR better than a man’s. There’s nothing fair about attraction and the gender distinctions surrounding attraction. It’s just biology, the way we’re wired.