Here’s a plan for my top pick singles party, called simply “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?”
I was invited to this kind of party in college and then repeated it later in life, with several variations. This party is always a huge hit, and it’s anything but ordinary. Here’s how to pull it off.
Gather some good friends together about a month in advance of the party date to help organize it. The party you’re planning can be fancy or casual. It can be in a private room in a restaurant or it can be at a planner’s home – our most memorable parties were creatively catered, fancy affairs, with flowers, wine, and incredible edibles, but you could probably have just as much fun with this in a bowling alley.
First the planners convene – to plan, of course. Pick the location and the date for the “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” party. (All planners need to be single, available, and willing to have a casual, fun date with someone from out of the blue, in a group setting.) Now, at the planning gathering, each of you writes down on an index card the five character traits or qualities, which you most seek in a date or potential partner. Sign your name. Then the cards go in a hat and each planner picks out someone else’s card. Don’t tell whose name you got – it’s a secret!
It’s now your job to find an ideal party date for the person whose name you drew. You’ll consider the desired qualities or character attributes written on the card, you’ll comb the wide world to find the right date for your person, you’ll extend the invitation, confirming later to avoid any dreadful stand-ups, and that’s it. It’s worth the sweat, just knowing that one of your buddies is combing the wide world, looking for the perfect date for YOU!
Do you get it? You’ll set up a blind date for one of your buddies, and one of your buddies will set up a blind date for you. You’ll all show up at the party with huge anticipation, perhaps with some stomach butterflies, but you’ll have before you a collection of new, adventurous single friends, and it’s always a memorable blast of a party. Make sure to assemble phone numbers and email addresses of everyone at the party and distribute them to all attendees. I’ve seen love connections evolve from these parties, and not just among those originally set up together.