Are you mean to the men you date? If so, well, don’t expect results any time soon … or EVER.
I believe that how we do one thing is how we do most things. If you do this one thing I’m about to tell you about … and do it all day long, every day of your life, starting today, by the end of this year your life (and your dating life) will look entirely different.
This, ladies (and gentlemen), is a conversation about kindness.
First, the problem—I’ve been a professional matchmaker since 1990; I’ve met with and profiled thousands upon thousands of single men and women who are out there in the dating world. They are looking for love and hoping for a beautiful relationship to magically occur, to sweep them off into all of the romantic sunsets of the future.
Wherever you are on the kindness spectrum, ratchet it up a notch and watch the positive impact it has on your love life, and on your experience of being human. Report back. I love hearing your stories.