Matchmakers Conference – Highlights and AHA moments

Matchmakers are convening more often these days. Why? Because it’s really smart for us to know each other and to synergize and strategize together, so we can extend our reach for our clients and so we can evolve the industry together, one introduction at a time, one conference at a time.

Next matchmakers gathering? January 23, 2013 in Vegas — email me if you’d like to attend or if you’d like to be considered as a presenter.

This past conference was on a Royal Carribean cruise to the Bahamas and it was fantastic. Produced by Michelle Jacoby (DC Matchmaking) and Maria Avgitides (Agape Match), the converence was a delightful combination of fun, social networking and play time and concentrated, focused presentations. Rich, deep content all related to the business and the art of personal matchmaking.

What are the trends in personal matchmaking?

Synergy, cooperation, collaboration — Personal matchmakers large and small are turning toward each other, working creatively together to find ideal matches for the clients they’re working for proactively. It’s smart and it’s effective.

Example: One of my stellar gentlemen clients who’s based in Southern CA is headed to NYC on business later this month and at this very moment I have two NYC matchmakers searching their databases for fitting candidates. Why would they do this for me? Because I’m happy to share my Clients and my Resource Members with them in just the same kind of mutual back-scratch kind of way when they’re going the extra mile for their clients.

Size matters…when it comes to building a dating community. Especially when we’re searching for a client whose requirements are really, really specific — it’s lovely when we find that needle in another matchmaker’s haystack, and it happens all the time.

The secret? If you’re single and would love to be found by matchmakers locally, nationally and abroad, get yourself registered privately so you can be FOUND. Start here: and we’re happy to help you position yourself where you can be found by one matchmaker….and by lots of matchmakers….

And for dating coaches and personal matchmakers who are established or brand new, even those of you who might be considering launching a matchmaking company of your own? We’d love to see you there. Our arms are wide open to both single love-seekers and to existing and aspiring matchmakers worldwide.

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