Julie Ferman – Julie Ferman Associates, Los Angeles, USA
Today’s modern day woman is very confusing to men. She wants to be with a man who’s bigger and stronger than she is, secure, masculine, a take-charge person. But she has a hard time letting him, because she’s been taught that she should be independent. She may make the mistake of “leading” with her masculine side, but what she really wants, underneath her tough exterior, is to be with a man who will lead her, so she can relax, receive and be the vulnerable and feminine woman she yearns to be.
In order for love to occur for two people, there needs to be interdependence (rather than independence): The stronger, more masculine, take-charge he is, the more feminine she will be and can be. And the reverse is true too – the more feminine and receptive she is, the more masculine he is likely to be. It’s a chicken and egg thing… and someone needs to go first. Make sure it’s YOU. Don’t wait for the right circumstances to step up to the plate to be The Guy. Just step up. Practice stepping up, with confidence, knowing that you are enough, that you are indeed The Guy.