Your Matchmaker’s Advice? Love and Romance – it’s an attitude, a frame of mind we want to nurture, feed, stroke, and energize.
Every day. In bits and pieces.
The mission for the busy, professional single mom is to keep your love life alive, developing, growing — every day.
What, you ask? Without a man to love on? Without a man to love on me? Doesn’t love and romance require two people, simultaneously engaged in the process of loving each other? Yes, sometimes. We love it when love and romance happen just that way.
And also….let’s remember that love and romance happen through the human experience. Moment by moment, when we choose to have a loving moment or a romantic moment. These moments can happen anytime, anyplace, and even all by ourselves.
In fact, love and romance starts right there. Within. Moment by moment as part of our human experience.
Exercise your love and romance muscles, with our without a partner.
Allow for yourself, insist on providing for yourself those delicious sensual moments that spark and kindle the feminine spirit.
A quick 30-second intermission (in the middle of an email you’re writing) to tune into the sweet sounds of the birds outside. A 30-second intermission to notice and savor those tender, soft, bright green baby buds on the trees outside the window. No window nearby? Bring a tiny vase with a gorgeous blooming flower (or TWO flowers…symbolozing the relationship that’s in your future…)
Men are naturally, instinctively drawn to women who are in touch with their sensuous femininity. Here’s the trick — While you’re being a good mom, while you’re being a devoted professional on the job, throughout your day sprinkle in these 30-second ahhhhh moments, which will bring you an instant lightness of spirit, that twinkle in the eye, the inner glow that radiates from deep within and that automatically generates a natural smile to your face — the warm glow, that soft, sweet, knowing smile that men find so tantalizing, so captivating and so alluring.
In other words, taking 30 seconds to smell the roses brings you instant joy, enables your romantic spirit, and serves as that magnetic pull drawing men (suitors) into your realm.