The Best Text Rejections

Copy & Paste Romantic Rejections

Don’t ghost on someone! Just Copy & Paste…

One of my little pet peeves about dating – when folks don’t have the courage to say what’s REALLY so after that first date. They squirm, they bolt, they disappear (ghosting), they delete that email account, and some even go so far as to use disposable phone numbers, planning in advance to make a quick exit.

LAME… all of these tactics. Woman up, Man up. I know you’re better than that… !

I believe in Karma – whatever you put out there, you’ll get back in one form or another. Especially true in dating and relationships, I find.

Every now and then I plan my signature event, Conversational Quickies, which is only open to folks who can and will bring a wonderful opposite sex friend to share – ensuring perfect gender balance. And every time I plan one of these parties, for every one woman who’s a STAR and who brings a fantastic man to share with us, there are a dozen other gals who email me to whine, bitch and complain to me – Each bemoaning that she has positively zero good men in her life, whom she could possibly bring to such an affair.

HUH? This blows my mind every time I hear it.

When two people meet for a first date, and it’s not “magic” – how about… make a friend, no matter what! How about, turn this “dead end” into a warm, friendly new connection. Don’t burn your bridges, folks.

If you practice saying what’s so for you, in a kind, respectful, friendly way, you will NEVER be without wonderful friends in your life. Friends you can invite places, who will invite you places, and so on. That person you just met (who’s not The One for you) – that person’s college roommate might just be your ideal match, but you’ll never know it if you vanish into the ether, which makes you BOTH feel uncomfortable, and which serves to tip off our friend, Mr. Karma that you’re too cowardly for a real relationship (Sorry, I know, that was super harsh…)

Never be without someone wonderful to share life with, on ALL levels.

For a date not to end in Happily Ever After is NOT a waste of time, energy or dough… IF you practice putting the spin on it.

There are a dozen ways to let someone down easy. All are better than just vanishing or fibbing or slinking off into the shadows. Find your own words to say what’s so for you. Karma will reward you, I promise.

Can’t think of what words to use? This just in, from my friend and colleague, David Kessler, who offers help to all who are befuddled as to what words to choose. You have his permission — go ahead, copy / paste away when you need to find the right words.



I had a wonderful time with you the other day and it was great getting to know you, however I just don’t feel there is enough chemistry there for me…..but I do wish you good luck in love and all your endeavors.

I’m new to this, so I don’t want to say the wrong thing…but you’re a great guy and there was nice chemistry, but not the perfect match of chemistry.  It was really fun talking though and thanks for a lovely date.

Hey, I just wanted to say I think you’re a lovely guy but I’m not interested in pursuing anything romantic right now. I may be crossing the line by bringing this up, but I was getting the sense that you’re interested in spending more time together. I just wanted to be honest and straightforward …

I’ve been thinking and i do like you, think you’re very bright & cool & completely sweet, but i just don’t feel that strong “spark” that i’d like to feel…i’m not sure what else i can say about it and i’m sorry if you are disappointed, because of course I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of such things too…

Again, thanks for the other night…I also wanted to let you know, that although I did have a wonderful time, I didn’t see us moving forward as a couple… But, listen, you are great and I’d love to hang out with you more and be your friend, but I think that is all it should be…

Hey, I had a great time last night. Thanks so much for inviting me out.  Unfortunately, as much as I would prefer them not to be, my feelings are still pretty raw (and all over the place) from a recent breakup, and I’m thinking I should probably hold off from any kind of dating right now – sorry if this is weird… but I do wish you the best…

Sorry i haven’t written till now – work has been chaotic —  just wanted to thank you again for that evening. Since the last time we met things have started to get more serious with someone else that I had met, so I think for now I am going to be concentrating on seeing if that will grow into something.

Thanks for the get-together the other day. You were a delightful companion and it was really fun learning about you and your life. Having said that, my feelings for you are more in the platonic realm. I’m not sure if you’d want to continue a friendship or not but that’s something that I would be interested in if you were…

So sorry I haven’t gotten back to you until now — Busy week! You know, I recently broke up with someone & I’m quite honestly feeling like I’m not as ready to date as I thought I would be… so, I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to decline going out another time. I really enjoyed meeting you and hopefully we’ll run into each other socially some time.

I’m sorry for the delayed reply. It was very nice to meet you. That being said, I’m not interested in dating right now, but I appreciate the offer and thank you.

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