What REALLY Turns Women On? Wealth? Looks? Charm? NOPE.

What REALLY Turns Women On? Wealth? Looks? Charm? NOPE.


What attracts a high-quality woman, REALLY?


What makes you memorable and alluring, more so than wealth, charm, or dashing good looks? The magic ingredient – it’s the element that causes relationships to have a fighting chance in today’s complex culture. It’s a shared commitment to curiosity, open-hearted communication, and the deep dive that is personal growth. Over 34 years as a Personal Matchmaker/Dating Coach, guiding single men and single women through the dating process, I’ve seen so many would-be / could-be relationships crash and burn. I’ve seen far too many beautiful romantic connections fall apart in the early phases of exploration. And then, in the Honeymoon Phase of courtship, when the inevitable challenges arise – disagreements, conflicts, irritations, and annoyances.


Why does a woman stick with a man through these relationship difficulties?


And why does a woman turn away, having decided that he’s just not a fitting candidate for a relationship, for lasting love? What’s missing in his behavior, in his communication style that causes her to turn away, to return to the dating pool? What is the “more” that she’s hoping for, searching for, yearning for, without which she just can’t move forward with a man? We’re not just talking about ANY woman here, we’re talking about a high-value woman who’s got “it” all. What does THAT kind of high caliber has-her-act-totally-together woman truly need, in order to stick around? This Facebook post, shared with me by a Client, illustrates so beautifully what today’s high-value women truly need to be happy, alive, sensual, vulnerable, fully transparent, and thoroughly engaged with her man. Thank you, Gina Caruso Hussar for your brilliance.

“I get a lot of random messages here (on Facebook) from strange men asking what turns me on. So, I thought I might just put it out there because I think I speak for a lot of women on this and I’m here to help.

Do you want to know what turns me on?

What makes me burn for you?
What makes us breathless?
What awakens every passionate instinct and unwraps every layer of fiery feminine sensuality?

Go to freaking therapy.
Do your inner work.
Heal yourself.
Lead yourself.

Be brave enough to get uncomfortable for the sake of wholeness and depth.

Be willing to build your emotional muscle so your arms are strong enough to hold the fire of an awakened woman.

Be open enough to lean into a level of depth you’ve never experienced. Talk.

Be humble enough to admit that you don’t know everything.

Go deep.
Get real.
Stop hiding behind surface-level sex.

Confront what you need to confront so you can move forward without the shadow of your past.

Stop thinking that vulnerability is weakness. It takes a GIANT of a wild man to get vulnerable and it’s HOT.

Stop running from magic when it’s exactly what you need.

Stop telling yourself she’s too much when the reality is you’re just afraid to be enough.

Lead yourself so you can lead ME.

Believe that you can handle it.
Act accordingly.
Be the safe space.
The strong ground.
The calm for her storm.

Do this and you’ll find your Goddess.
Do this and you’ll be taken to a place of wholeness and ecstasy you didn’t know existed and likely wouldn’t have found on your own.
Do this… and you’ll be home.

P.S. Sisters -do the same or stop complaining.🙃”

Author: Gina Caruso Hussar

Blog Author: Julie Ferman


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