YOU Get To Help Julie Ferman Play Matchmaker!

A smiling couple enjoying a meaningful connections

Does Personal Matchmaking work? Well, quite often it does, especially here in my world. 1202 – the number of couples who’ve committed to each other while under my watch. That’s 2404 human beings, who’ve found love through their relationship with me!  And that’s just the couples I know about.

Here’s YOUR turn to change everything for someone in your world. My question to you: Who do YOU know (in Southern CA or New Mexico), who’s single at the moment and who would MUCH rather be in love? They might even be whining about it …

My invitation — Take a browse through your Contacts to share this blog post and let’s see what kind of magic we can create together for your colleagues, friends and family members who are currently unattached.

Here’s how personal matchmaking works in my world.

Level One: It’s completely free to be registered with me, eligible for personal matchmaking referrals, when I see a potential match for one of my current or future Clients. A quick visit to to register is all that’s needed to engage with me.  And yes, it’s private – no one “browses” my peeps, ever.

Level Two: Dating Coaching Consultations. The next level of participation, for those who are curious to develop a more streamlined, effective dating strategy.  It’s a comprehensive coaching session, during which time we’ll create a Romance Marketing Plan together, and we’ll determine the ideal plan for dating and attracting the ideal partner.

Level Three: Personal Matchmaking, by invitation. I offer a variety of service levels and packages to those who are eager to have a personal matchmaker vetting, screening, qualifying candidates and orchestrating and confirming first dates, including post-date feedback.

Here’s more detailed scoop about how first dates happen in my community.

Thank you in advance for sharing me with your friends and for sharing your friends with me.  This is exactly how the majority of the folks in my 30,000 person community found me – because someone they know and love said, “Stop whining, call Julie

Here’s to less whining and more hugging and kissing !!

With love,

Julie Ferman, Legendary Matchmaker.  Transforming Me to We.


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