Archive | Dating

Putting the Spin on Valentine’s Day
OK, I’ll admit it. I pretty much hate Valentine’s Day. It’s really just a silly Hallmark Holiday. Girls love it, Guys hate it – Men tell me that they mostly...
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2 Awful Texting Mistakes That Cause Unnecessary Relationship Drama
Oops! Now that's embarrassing! I saw two texting mishaps occur this week, each worthy of sharing. (We can all stand to learn from each other's mistakes, right?) 1. Trash talking...
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The Attraction Conundrum
The trickiest thing about dating in today’s wild world is this whole business of attraction. Are you falling into the quicksand? Is the way you’ve got the whole attraction thing...
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Why ‘Love At First Sight’ Is A Foolish Way To Find ‘The One’
Why "slow love" is so much sexier than "swiping right." Have you ever wondered if you've possibly missed opportunities to date someone REALLY great simply because they didn't dramatically strike...
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Sick Of Being Single? 5 Fun Ways To Snag A Man WITHOUT Going Online
It's time to get out there! Hate the single life but hate online dating even more? That doesn't mean you just give up on finding love. Take a look at...
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Are You Wondering Why You’re Striking Out In Dating?
What is up with today’s dating scene? The ones you’re going for aren’t going for you, and the ones who are hot for you are leaving you cold. Sound familiar?...
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First Dates, Julie Ferman Style, for Female Clients
I can’t manage or control how first dates happen out there in the world, when two people meet up through friends, an online site or a coffee shop flirtation, but...
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Do Dating Well: A Matchmaker’s Plea To Single Women
You wouldn’t try to clean your face with a nasty, grungy, stinky rag, would you? So, your matchmaker here has to ask this pesky question: How is doing dating your way working...
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Do Dating Well: A Matchmaker’s Plea To Single Men
You wouldn’t try to clean your face with a nasty, grungy, stinky rag, would you? So, your matchmaker here has to ask this pesky question: How is doing dating your...
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Have We Truly Evolved When It Comes To Dating?
Why do smart people make such LOUSY choices when it comes to dating, mating and love? It’s because we’re allowing instinct to drive our behaviour and our decisions. We...
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